Case Study: Regain Health
Physiotherapy and Hand Clinic
[Continue to read the full case study of how we helped Regain Health to build a brand new website for their new clinic and attract customers.]
@Lifeofaclick we have developed a functional, quick and easily navigateable website for our premium client, Regain Health – Physiotherapy & Hand Clinic.
This is one great example showcasing how we helped a small idea to grow in to a great functional product. Thinking Mobile-First we have designed their website to be responsive on different screens and functional at challenging situations.
This Website provide our clients’ customers a reliable way to discover the new clinic located in a fast growing business area. Visitors to the website can find out services on offer, look up upon open hours, place a phone call or easily navigate to clinic address.
Based on the statistics Canada, every month 800 new families move in to Surrey and they are looking up for you services. Are you ready to grab their attention?

Regain Health Website also provides the much needed marketing lead generation platform to get its business roots established in a competitive market place.
We(lifeofaclick) have integrated our clients’ website in to third-party scheduling services so clients can directly book available time slots very conveniently. This way we have reduced the abandoning of potential opportunities.
The website solution we have provided includes:
- Project Analysis
- DNS management
- Domain and Name Server Management
- Hosting
- Visual Design of Website
- Coding, customization and styling of CSS
- User Journey Optimization
- Constant Testing / Optimization and monitoring
- Constant updates to keep up with their steady growth
Regain Health website provides a comprehensive FAQ that reduces the first time patient enrollment time.
We have designed a clear and clutter free interface to reduce confusion and allowing easy navigation.

We have recently helped our client to extend into Google G Suite with their business growth.
This is success by hard work, set by example.

Everything Starts With a Rock Solid Product Strategy
We make it a must to spend some neccessary time to discuss and throughly analyze what our customer (its you) needs from us before jumping in to a quick solutions.
1. Email / Text Message or Phone Call
This where most of our relationships starts. When our customers call, we not only say hello-we listen to what they need.
2. Setup First Meeting
We will come and visit you or we can meet at a Tim-Hortons for a discussion about the project over a nice steaming coffee. Of course its on us!
3. Project Proposal
A complete time bounded project strategy is provided. We will discuss and agree on project deliverables.
4. Execution and Completion
We will keep you on the loop while we progressing with your project. Lifeofaclick will provide constant updates and design iterations until successful completion of the project.

User-Centric Design
We put the users’ hat when thinking of a website. Looking from the users point of view we set our drawing boards to keep the user, your customer in the center stage of attention.
More reach mean more conversion. More conversion in your website mean more business for you.
Our Designers and Developers Are Veterans in this Industry
Carrying more than 20+ experience in the industry as Web Developers / Designers and custom programmers we are experienced in many popular tools, CMS, CRM platforms and languages. Honorable mentions:
- WordPress / HTML / CSS
- Java / Java Script / Electron
- VB / VBA / Python / AI
- Automation
- Email Campaign Design and Tracking
- Addressed or Unaddressed Mailing Campaign Design and Tracking
- GSuite / YouTube API /Google API
- SQL Server / MySQL / MS Access / PowerBI / Data Analytics
Lifeofaclicks’ diverse experience in the digital universe gives us the ability to assess multitude of possible options and technologies when finalizing a web site that will set a course for long-term success.

OK, So You Have an idea…Now What? Launch & Promote With Confidence.
We can help you to bring your idea in to a reality.
- Responsive Website Design
- Web Hosting and Domain name services
- Website Development
- E-commerce Integration
- Social Media Management and Profile Design (Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / Tumblr / Reddit / LinkedIn / Pinterest etc)
- YouTube Channel Management and video production
- Photograhpy for Products and Teams
- Search Marketing including Search Engine Optimisation
- Pay Per Click Advertising
- Online Reputation Management
Why Us
Yes, that is a good questiion. You should really ask that questioon from every company that you would consiider. Let us indicate why we believe we are the best choice you have.

Mobile first Design
We start from the mobile version of your web site. Thinking from the users point of view, and making it all possible to find your in the digital ocean, on the go!

Complete Roadmap & Strategy
Any project we undertake starts with SMART goal setting and after a complete stratergy being laied out. We are focused, but flexible to accomodate you.

Data backups And Security
Peace of Mind for you since we take care of security and safety of your website. We setup complete automated backups at regular intervals.

Backend DB Optimization
We control and optimize back-end data bases to support the optimam speeds of your website with our years of database administration experience.

User Centric Experiences
Our design strategy is centered around the end user – your customer. Generation of leads, optimum performance in Search Engines, regular content updates are just few points in the strategy.

WorldClass Support
One on One human based support for all your queries and expansion needs. We provide a proactive and preventive maintenance and friendly support and consultation for your growing needs.
Already Know the Details of Your Project?
Contact us by email or sing a text message. Lets brighten-up your idea and make it a rrelity.